
Dax Jagger: Part 2: Travels

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Part 2: Travels

Year: 3098, 6th Month, 6th Day of the 2nd Week
Location: The Waists (Formally known as Los Angeles, California)

Dax and Caindux both were resting under the awning after they finished welding for one day, Caindux's legs tangled as he lay on his side against he dry sand, Dax lay against his friend, eating some fruit. Alien fruit was very sweet, it was orange and had a green outside, in the shape of a funnel, for humans of the older times, it was a taste similar to a peach and grapefruit.

As he chewed and slurped the dripping juices, whipping his mouth, he stood and shook his pants of any dust. When he swallowed he looked onward to the market place, they lived far from it, but the lands were so flat that he could see a town that was more than 10 miles away, which the market place is. They're shack was very small compared to the patrol ships, many who passed thought of the shack as a bunch of junk metal, and thought nothing to bother with it.

Dax grinned and turned to his friend, "We need to go get more metal from Fr'Raga!"

Caindux sat up with a groan, "Don't you have enough scrap metal for that bike?"

"We could use it for something else! Like a cage!"

Caindux glared at the grinning human, "My Cage?"

Dax grinned then laughed, this made Caindux slowly grin and chuckled, "Yes yes....well then we should head out now...Noon will hit soon...."

Dax grinned brightly, "Great!" He ran into his hut, as he forcefully pushed the door open, he pushed back many boxes and books, the books were copies of Sci-Fi novels from the years of the 90's and 80's. The boxes were of old videos for Nintendo and Atari, everything from the Secret of Mana to Mario, he pushed his way threw the door, the living area where the television was, had a long collage of carpets laying down, nailed to a board that was pasted together as the floor. The television ran by a chargeable Generator that they would charge in town. That reminded Dax to look at the generator, he turned it on, "58%" of battery flashed.

"STUPID JUNK!" He kicked it with his large boot, the lights flashed the true number, "78%" of battery. "THAT'S BETTER!"

He crashed threw the rest of the boxes and cans in his hut, and into his bed room he went. It was separated by a curtain, the curtain was long and raggedy, holes shown threw it and it was brown and dusty, he pushed it back, revealing his bed on the ground, a mattress, old, made of only memory foam. Caindux suggested the foam, that way the springs would not pop out easily, seeing how rough Dax can be.

Dax jumped onto his bed, grabbing his small brown patched bag, he looked inside, two bottles of water, a small first aid kit, and some money, he had a few dollars for food, with this he smiled. Putting two more bottles in the bag, he put it on his back. Then he grabbed his sleeveless hoodie, putting up the hood, he looked around the room, his table and food were there, he didn't need anything else, with this he smiled. He lept out of his room, but quickly halted and turned, he slightly began to panic, he turned to his room once more. Running back in he began to make a recuse.

Outside Caindux stood patiently, then he began to wonder what the boy was doing, he stepped into the hut, hearing Dax franticly searching for something, "Dax?"

Dax peeked from the curtain, "I can't find it!" He then went back to searching, Caindux stepped in carefully, trying not to stomp on anything, ducking his long neck and head, "Your mothers---"

"YEAH!" Dax said more franticly, Caindux pulled the curtain back with his snout, "isn't I around your neck as always?"

Dax sat up, "NO! I--" He stopped and felt his neck, he pulled out from under his tank top, a golden rusted necklace, a cross. He sighed, "Oh...Thank God....mother's locket....I love this necklace...SHE TOLD ME TO NEVER FORGET!"

"yes I have told me....and I was there...." Caindux said calmly, he walked to the boy and lifted his head with his one tentacle and pulling his hair away from his face with the other, " happy, you have found it..."

Dax then nodded, "yes!" He smiled big and bright, "I'm ready!" He got up with his bag and walked outside, putting down his goggles.

Caindux sighed, "Oh wonderful Creator....don't let him forget...." Then with that he walked out of the hut and off they walked, to the 10 mile town.


The Wastes, within 4 days, had been pasted with the description of the human that was wanted. Sha'Gra-ga required a picture of the human, he did not know his name was Dax, but he needed to find out. For the past 3 to 4 months the Aphidites have been searching for this human boy, it was only till now that the public was aware of this human.

Within the 3 to 4 months of the search, the Ruler, Sha'Gra-ga, sent out 10 of his best fighters and agents, and none have returned back to post. He would not kill them if they did not succeed, but he would punish them severly, yet he wondered if this boy was either elusive, or a killer, either way this became too dangerous.

On this day, the most respected Aphidite Crocolus commander approached him, saluting, then standing in a military fashion. His scales were bright green, his head was of a croc, his body was of a croc, no tail lay behind him, spines of frills lined his back, and paw like hands. He cleared his throat, "sir we have sent out 10 of our best agents, but I did not speak of one who was most worthy of bring in this creature of destruction..."

Sha'Gra-ga's stripe was blue, "Yes? What Aphidite is she of?"

"Not Aphridite your greatness! She is of Felina..."

Chuckles spread threw the room, Felina's had a hard reputation for being the most clumsy of all, they had one named Angel, who was pure white, on the forces, she was one out of 4 agents that were not Aphidites. She was not clumsy, but many others were, making it harder for them to see them compared to the feline of earth.

Sha'Gra-ga growled, his stripe turned to a violet, showing he had a micture of calmness and anger, everyone silenced int he room, "What makes you so sir, commander, that you should have this creature as the most responsible agent to bring in a ruthless creature of Earth?!"

The Commander kept his cool, "I, Crush-Eng, have trained her in my own paws...."

Everyone then whispered, many were trained in this military system, but very few were tained by this commander, personally, and those who have been, have become great warriors, such as Sha'Gra-ga, who was trained by this very alien.

"I see...." Sha'Gra-ga spoke calmly now, a blue stripe flashed, "Proceed..."

"Here number is 45332GH, Unit 2, Age is 200, and she is still a kitten.....Agent Catrus!" He turned as he called out, from the doors walked in a pair of thick and big paws, the paws had claws of a pale violet, the paws were of that as well, she had two thumb like tows on the insides of her paws, her tail was not long and fluffy, her legs were ong and thick with muscle, her fur was crazed and spiky, her hands only held two fingers, and were padded with paw pads under neither, two tentacles hung behind her head, curled, her ears were long, outstretched to the sides, a small mane surrounded her neck, and show wore a no sleeve and short panted outfit of black and orange, her fur ocolor was of a violet, and her eyes shined large and bright, having the permanent tear streaks of a cheetah. Her eyes were of the stars, dark and pale blue.

SHe finally reached her commander, giving a salute and stood at ease. She was quiet and respectful, her snout was that of a lions, yet shorter.

"Agent Catrus!"


"Are you going to do as the Ruler says?!"



"FAILURE! IS! NOT! AN OPTION!" She turned her head to him, "SIR!"

Sha'Gra-ga stared at her with a pleasing stare, she stood to be 6 feet in height, much more smaller than the others in the room, Sha'Gra-ga stepped down the short stair case that led to his throne, circling the female he nodded, "She will do...Agent Catrus...."


"You must find a human boy, I do not know his name, or what he looks like, or what he is capable of...I need his skin, but do not kill him...bring him back, ALIVE or I will have your fur for the winters...."

Agent Catrus looked at him with large eyes, "Sir, Why me, sir?"

"Because he has killed others in your place, I am sure of it..."


"Very good....Find a way to bring him back, broken bones, or anything..."

Caturs watched as he walked back to his throne, "May I ask sir, why do we need humans this badly...?"

Sha'Gra-ga looked at her, then down, "We need them for reproduction....male and find this boy, and I promise you will no longer live on the barracks, or in the wastes for as long as you will live...."

Catrus ears perked slightly, her eyes shined, whens he was dismissed, she left with her commander, she turned to him, "Crush-Eng, humans....Are they this dangerous...?"

"I do not know Kit, but one this is for sure....we have to find him....before Sha'Gra-ga destroys this world...forever..."
Well, here we are! I got this done!

Well it was already done....
I just finally was able to remember to post it. (I also wanted to finish a sketch for chapter 2 but its not done yet so yeah... .____.)

But yes, there will be a chapter 3, and there may be mistakes in this, but this chapter took me about 3 or 4 hours to finish.
Please Enjoy!

(C) :iconjedauw:
© 2013 - 2024 JedaUW
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